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Written by Chris Bell
Drawn by Courtney Mopkinson

Good afternoon! I'm going to write about a book that I read.
The book is "TRAPPED".

A loud noise echoed
from somewhere outside the bathroom.
Then Tom heard a clang as wire gate
slammed shut and a lock was bolted.
Tom couldn't believe it.
He was trapped.

There was a boy. His name is Tom. He was sleeping when he was taking a lecture. So he was warned by his teacher. And she said, "Who knows how to signal a passing ship for help with a mirror?" He thought why he had to learn about survival. So ha answered, "I'd just use my mobile phone."
After he finished taking the lecture, he couldn't forget her question. After school, almost all of the students got home. But he played basketball with his friends. So he sweated. This is why he went to bathroom in school. "Bang!!!" He heard a loud noise!!! He watched a door. So he tried to open the door. But the door was shut tight!! He tried to open it again and again. But he couldn't open it. He thought he was trapped!!!
Time passed and no one noticed his shout. So he remembered one lecture. It was about survival. When he was asked by his teacher, he answered, "I'd just use my mobile phone." So he took out his mobile phone of his pocket. But!! The battery didn't work!! He was at a loss.
He thought that his family would come looking for him. Time passed... But his family didn't come. So he shouts again. But it was vain. But he hit on!! There were small windows. So he turned the light switch on and off!! He tried to do it again and again. But it seemed to be vain action.
Time passed and he heard some noise. "What was that noise?" He shout "I'm in here!!" So a key turned in the lock and opened the door. He pleased very much. The reason why he was saved is switch of the light. So what he did was not vain!! This is why he was saved.
After I read this book, I thought the trap is very scary. If I were in his place, what could I do? I wouldn't do anything. And I would feel anxiety. But I think no one pass near the bathroom. Frankly speaking, I think it is inconceivable.
And I thought Tom was very unlucky boy! Because the battery of his mobile phone didn't work. I think it seldom happens. But I could think about survival!!
This book was very interesting! I recommend this book.

Points remaining:16

See you again. (435words)

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