"2kumiA" via KGUWinK in Google Reader


About my keitai

Hello! I'm going to write about my keitai.
My keitai's company is docomo. My keitai's color is white. The reason why I chose my keitai is function and design is good. I have used this keitai for an year. I want to use it more. But I want to buy keitai which is sold by softbank. Especially, I want to buy i-Phone! Because the basic charge of softbank is inexpensive and we can talk a lot if we will pay fixed sum. This is why I want to buy one.
See you. (96words)

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hello Yuuki.

    I'm Toshi, a commentator for your blog.
    Nice to see you!
    I'm looking forward to read your topic.

    I'm thinking to renew my mobile recently. However it is so expensive. I cannot believe that.

