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The Bus Driver's Birthday

Today is The Bus Driver's birthday.

Written by Freya Green
Illustrated by Lara Gazzard

I read The Bus Driver's Birthday. The day was a birthday the bus driver Tom's birthday. So he wanted to take the day off work. He didn't want to drive his bus. That is why he phoned up his friends. First he phoned up the vet and asked him to drive his bus. But the vet said, "I can't do it because I have to look after sick cats and dogs." But there were few animals, which were sick!! Next Tommy phoned up another person who is a doctor and asked her to drive it. But her answer was "NO". She said "I have to look after sick people." So Tommy was disappointed. But there were only one person who was sick!! I thought they were dreadful and strange! After that Tommy phoned the shopkeeper and asked that she drive his bus. But she said, "I look after my shop, today." Everyone says the same things! Afterwards he phoned the hairdresser and the butcher and asked to drive his bus. But their answers were "NO". Of course they said "I have a lot of work." That's why he was refused his request. So Tommy went to drive his bus reluctantly. He went up the steps and sat in his seat. Then!! the vet, the doctor, the shopkeeper, the hairdresser, and the butcher all sang!! "Happy Birthday to you..." Tommy was very surprised the happening! So they all gave Tommy a big cake and the hairdresser drove Tommy's bus for him.

After I read this book, I satisfied their behaviors. I found that they planed these behaviors. I envied his birthday. (281words)

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